Minggu, 05 Agustus 2007

इन्दाह्न्य दुनिया ini

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (73): Tasa Nugraza Barley
Sunday, July 1, 2007

On Being Credible and Impartial Credibiity is earned through stages and various ways. In real life, a credible person connotes to someone whose words are not at variance with one actions and he or she does it in a relatively consistent way. As far as blogging, or writing, is concerned, in order to .. ... read more..

Crime and Religion
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Salman Khan, one of three major Indian film stars--a long time lover of Aishwarya Rai-- beside Shakhrukh Khan and Amir Khan, was and still is a drinker, and is a non-practicing Muslim: one who never cares how to act in accordance with his religion . A few years ago, he got involved with a hit-and-r.. ... read more..

Drugs and Bastardization of Modernity
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I had a very nice baby-face innocent-looking friend not so long time ago. I met him occasionally, but certainly he is one of those whose presence making conversation, alive and congenial. His father is a colonel in Indonesian army. After intervening period of about two years, I met him again. I was .. ... read more..

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (72): Supriyadi Slamet Widodo
Thursday, May 24, 2007

So far as blogging software goes, particularly for self-hosted blog/website, wordpress undoubtedly stands out among the rest. Matt Wullenberg , the young whizzkid wordpress founder (he created the software at the age of 19, four years ago.), must be very happy with this. One and most important reas.. ... read more..

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (73): Tasa Nugraza Barley
Sunday, July 1, 2007

On Being Credible and Impartial Credibiity is earned through stages and various ways. In real life, a credible person connotes to someone whose words are not at variance with one actions and he or she does it in a relatively consistent way. As far as blogging, or writing, is concerned, in order to .. ... read more..

Crime and Religion
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Salman Khan, one of three major Indian film stars--a long time lover of Aishwarya Rai-- beside Shakhrukh Khan and Amir Khan, was and still is a drinker, and is a non-practicing Muslim: one who never cares how to act in accordance with his religion . A few years ago, he got involved with a hit-and-r.. ... read more..

Drugs and Bastardization of Modernity
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I had a very nice baby-face innocent-looking friend not so long time ago. I met him occasionally, but certainly he is one of those whose presence making conversation, alive and congenial. His father is a colonel in Indonesian army. After intervening period of about two years, I met him again. I was .. ... read more..

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (72): Supriyadi Slamet Widodo
Thursday, May 24, 2007

So far as blogging software goes, particularly for self-hosted blog/website, wordpress undoubtedly stands out among the rest. Matt Wullenberg , the young whizzkid wordpress founder (he created the software at the age of 19, four years ago.), must be very happy with this. One and most important reas.. ... read more..

:: Cara nge-Blog dan Tip Menulis ::13 July 2006

Google Adsense: Cara Mendaftar

Walaupun mendaftar di Google Adsense itu mudah, namun ternyata banyak juga yg ditolak pada saat register pertama kali; bahkan ada yg terus gagal sampai putus asa. Berikut sedikit saya urai langkah dan kiat serta trik step by step dalam mendaftar di Google Adsense.

1. Kunjungi http://google.com/adsense, ada tulisan Click Here to Apply --> klik.

2. Ada menu Website Information.
(a) Di Website URL, tulis alamat situs atau blog Anda. Contoh: http://kolom-mario.blogspot.com;
(b) Di Website language, pilih English (tak masalah walaupun blog Anda bahasa Indonesia).

3. Ada menu Contact Information:
(a) Account type, pilih "Individual";
(b) Country or territory, pilih "Indonesia" atau negara mana saja yg Anda inginkan.

4. Payee name (full name), tulis nama lengkap Anda sesuai dg nama KTP atau rekening bank. Dan isi juga alamat lengkap rumah, telpon dan faksimil (yg ini tidak wajib) di kolom di bawahnya.

5. Di kolom Policies kasih tanda tik/cek semua kelima kotak yg ada sebagai tanda Anda setuju mengadakan perjanjian dg Google Adsense.

6. Di kolom "Login Information" isi dg alamat email yg akan dipakai untuk login/masuk ke account Google Adsense apabila nanti sudah diterima; jangan lupa passwordnya minimal 7 (tujuh) yg merupakan kombinasi antara huruf dan angka. Misalnya angkanya enam dan hurufnya satu atau sebaliknya huruf sebanyak enam plus angka satu.

Catatan: Kalau Anda punya email gmail, sebaiknya memakai gmail. Tapi email lain juga tidak apa-apa.

7. Periksa sekali lagi semua yg diisi, apabila beres, klik SUBMIT INFORMATION.
8. Selesai. Anda tinggal menunggu approval atau berita OK dari Google Adsense. Biasanya setelah dua sampai lima hari.

Pasang link http://afsyuhud.blogspot.com di sidebar blog Anda, Anda akan mendapat link balik (linkback) di blog populernya yg masuk peringkat TOP TEN blog Indonesia terbaik versi Majalah Tempo.

Artikel terkait seri tips, kiat dan cara membuat dan promosi blog:

1. Membuat Blog
2. Cara Praktis Promosi Blog (1)
3. Cara Praktis Promosi Blog (2)
4. Beasiswa Google Adsense
5. Kiat Membuat Abstraksi atau Read More! di Blogspot
6. Menu Arsip Pull-Down / tarik ulur
7. Permasalahan Posting Abstraksi atau Read More!
8. Pasang Foto di Profile Blogspot
9. Memaksimalkan Kerja Blogger atau Blogspot
10. Membuat Link di Posting & Window Baru
11. Aksesoris Blog
12. Apa itu Feed, RSS dan XML?
13. Technorati: Direktori blog, Tag & Bookmark Online
14. Promosi Blog: Google Sitemap
15. Mengapa Juwono Sudarsono nge-Blog
16. Cara Daftar Google AdSense
17. Google AdSense Referral
18. Aggregator Blog Indonesia
19. Membuat Link di Sidebar
20. Membuat Menu Pull-दोवं

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